Zoom links for each program will be emailed out 24 hours prior to each program.
March 19th
Updates in Congenital Cardiology: Tetralogy of Fallot
led by Marc Cribbs, MD
April 16th
Updates in Cardio-Oncology led by Carrie Lenneman, MD and Leon Cannizzaro, MD
May 21st
Updates in Geriatric Cardiology led by Andy Miller, MD
June 18th
Updates from the Cardiovascular Team led by Joy Gandy, CRNP
July 16th
Updates in Cardio-Obstetrics led by Joanna Joly, MD
August 20th
September 17th
Updates in Electrophysiology led by Blake Smith, MD
October 18th
November 19th
December 17th
Updates in Updates in Congenital Cardiology led by Marc Cribbs, MD
Each program is accredited for 1 hour of CME credit.
Alabama Chapter, American College of CardiologyP.O. Box 43212Birmingham, AL 35243www.alacc.org
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